Meet Rambojoe43, Music and Media Artist
Joseph Reynolds Wesley AKA Rambojoe43 has a fascination with different kinds of media such as music production and video production. His plans for the future are to create a full-time job from his interests. Check out his work on YouTube: movie production and music production. You can also watch him on His work is also on iTunes, such as the track, What Dreams ARE.
He was also recently in a movie called Chloe's Mountain and is currently working with a company called Inspired Productions, a Christian video production company. Learn more by visiting the Facebook page for Chloe's Mountain.
1. When did you first become interested in playing music?
I first became interested in playing music was when I was about 15 years old and I was doing a search on google. I wanted to find something that was super creative and unpredictable. So I found first a thing called a music remixer. It was an app that had a pre-chosen song separated into different parts that you could activate at random times. For example, you could choose the drums you wanted and mix with the singing. Or choose the base and snare loops. What really got me interested in music-making was when I opened up multiple music mixer apps at the same time. When I did this, the procedure was the same but all the voices working nicely with each other. Like a symphony. It was very satisfying. It was a while that I found that special hidden feature.
2. What inspires your musical experiments?
Well, much like the music mixer program I used when I was young, I love starting from scratch. I tell people I meet "you start off with nothing, not even one idea in your head, but then you put down one loop and another and eventually you end up with one fantastic piece of work." Start with nothing, and end with everything. Sometimes I make a sound so cool it either makes my head start bobbing or a tear start dropping from my face. For now, I only do music experiments only because the experiments will eventually turn into full songs. And if I didn't experiment, nothing would ever be created.
3. Why did you decide to start filming yourself playing music for YouTube and
The way someone performs is very important to me. Sure, his music might sound great, but is he connecting with the audience. Is there any kind of eye contact? Does the crowd feel involved? When I watch my replay, I can learn what I can improve on personally. To be honest, one reason that I like to record myself might also be because as an athlete, I had to watch game film on myself at least once a week. The same principle was there: see what I did wrong and find a way to fix it. Another reason why I record myself is so that the music file doesn't take space on my computer. Every time I end the stream, the video uploads directly to Twitch and YouTube, which is very convenient when it comes to playing my whole video with my music.
4. What do you enjoy about video production work?
One of my video production teachers once said to me, it's not about the quality of the video you make; it's the story. Much like with my music production, I start out with an idea and build on top of it. I have videos on YouTube that I call experiment videos. And all my practice films hopefully turn into big productions. I think actually that some of my ideas have been picked up by major companies like Disney. I made a very interesting video about if you were to change places with your reflection, and a few months later I saw a very similar episode on the Disney channel's "Wizards of Waverly Place." I was super excited to see this idea come to life. Another thing that really boosts my motivation for video production is the teamwork that comes with it. I recently was helping out with a video company called Inspired Productions. We were making a video called "Chloe's Mountain," and I was the P.A., producer's assistant, or gopher. I felt very involved. My job was to do anything the director or cinematographer said for me to do. When I was asked to do something, it would give me an opportunity to run, pick up what I needed (like a battery), and run back and return. I like the adrenaline I get from that. Last but not least, I love to be in front of the camera, although I don't speak much in front. I would be just fine if I were in a silent film, for instance.
5. How do you hope that your career will grow over the next couple of years?
I hope my career turns into something very special for everyone. But when things start speeding up for me, I hope everything stays solid, continuous sales and exposure. I was talking to my friend the other day, and he asked me a very interesting question. I think back to that question in relation to this question of where I see my career growth. His question was, would you rather be rich or famous? I looked at him with awe. Eventually, I told him that I would want to be famous and here is why: when you're rich, all you have is power and most people I know who are rich use it the wrong way. When I get famous, I feel that I will know I did something right. Being famous seems to me like a comfortable bed. I compare the bed to my fans because it's something I need help with and can rely on, much like when I'm tired and need somewhere to sleep. For example, maybe I need a suggestion for something. If I'm famous, I could ask and get a very quick and quality response back. Okay, all in all, don't get me wrong; lots of money is great, and give me the money, but I would much rather be rich. That is where I see myself getting to in a few years.